Friday 4 September 2009


Seems like I'll be going back to Tekong next Thursday. It was totally unexpected cause I thought I'd be going back in October for the enhanced batch. And the bad thing that my fieldpack and LBV are still in my locker which means I'll have to carry them all the way back home again!!! And there I thought I'll get my blood test results next Friday which could settle my pes status once and for all before I go for BMT. Now I won't even know what I have until I get out from my 2 weeks confinement all over again.

How I wish I could go for driving course straight away. Then by the time I come back, I can go clock mileage and stand a chance to go to New Zealand. That would be so cool. There'll even be chances to go to Taiwan, India, Thailand and Australia if I ever get the chance. Currently I'll just be stuck at the Training Co-Ord section where all I do is to cover up someone's mistakes which totally sucks. Especially when LAB is ongoing for 3 days and he didn't even lift a finger to help cause he's not there.

And I just found out Snowhite got leukemia straight after his operation on his right shoulder. That is absolutely shocking and crazy cause his hospital bills are like 60k++ and he only need to pay 100+ thanks to SAF. If he gets his pes F now, it'll be like a atomic bomb on his parents savings. Hopefully he'll be okay. Don't think I'll update anymore until the day I'll throw my jockey cap into the air and shout 'POP LOR!!!'

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