Sunday 19 July 2009

This will be the last week REC Jasvir Dang will be with us before he goes for his driving course which means bad news for me. For those who don't know him, he's my upper study for Training Co-Ord aka detailing. I'll be taking over the job from his from Wednesday onwards whereby I'll be in charge of putting vehicle numbers and drivers to go for exercises and details. Big big stress coming up and I don't even know if I'm up to the job. Working with Lincoln, JJ, Jason and Ivan would help a lot but the bulk of the work still comes from me. Any screw ups and I'll take the rap.

Haven't been feeling good lately. Not emotionally but physically. Muscle sores after gym on Monday for the whole week. I think that's what happens when you totally stop exercising for a quarter of a year. 3 long months I've been stuck in the office doing nothing much but clerk work. I guess I've been 'eating too many snakes'. AND I WANT TO GO FOR DRIVING COURSE!!! But it'll be my turn in a few months time after my excuse driving finishes. Looking forward to that. Got struck by a bad flu in the past few days. Bad cough with running and blocked nose. Can't breathe properly. Oh well, just hope that the swine won't get to me. *fingers crossed* (:

Booking into camp in a couple of hours time. Dreading it of course but no choice. And I won't be able to finish the Goblet of Fire that continues at 10pm :( Nevermind. It'll be another short week for me since I took half day leave on Friday. Finally going to get my DS (hopefully) at last thanks to Jason. No more borrowing and dream of playing anymore. HAHAHA

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